
Back health


A modern woman is well versed in issues of beauty and health, thinks about proper nutrition, and gets rid of bad habits.

But is she so mindful of back health? At different periods of a woman’s life, back muscles are subjected to different loads, so it is important to know how to properly organize their work and what risks should be avoided. The back experiences an additional load while wearing high-heeled shoes, pregnancy, summer cottages and, of course, when lifting heavy bags.

During the bearing of the child, as well as in the postpartum period, the lumbosacral spine is subject to overloads, which may cause pain. To reduce the load on the back, it is important to observe gentle motor mode, wear a soft corset or postpartum bandage.
► Do not bend over to raise the baby from the floor. Better to sit down, grab it with both hands and slowly straighten your legs.
► When carrying a child in her arms, it is necessary to press him to her and try to keep her back straight, then the load will be distributed more evenly.
► During feeding, the mother’s back should be in the most comfortable position, as changing the pose without disturbing the baby will be quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth taking care of a comfortable chair, for example, in advance.
Heavy bags do not seem so until the back hurts.But when a woman lifts a bag, the center of gravity moves to her spine. As a result of such daily “workouts,” the back experiences severe overloads, which can lead to deformation of the intervertebral discs.
► The maximum weight of a bag that a woman can carry on her shoulder is 2-3 kg. A heavy burden is best distributed evenly over two bags and carried in two hands.
► It is important to hold the heavy bag correctly: having clenched a fist holding the handle of the bag, you need to turn the outer part forward, while bent fingers should “look” backwards. Hands should be kept at a certain distance from the body, this will be safer for the back. In this position, not only the hands, but also the muscles of the entire torso participate in the process. And don't forget to change your hand every few minutes.
► When lifting a heavy thing, sit down, keep your back straight. In this case, the pelvis and legs will strain. Avoid sharp turns of the body, especially when carrying a heavy bag, as this is one of the common causes of painful "backache" in the back.
Stilettos make legs slimmer, and the image is feminine and elegant. How can you resist the temptation? Do not wear such shoes at all? Certainly not of their own free will! But the consequences of a love of high heels can be curvature of the spine and osteochondrosis.
► It is better to start wearing high heels from the age of eighteen, because only at this age does the formation of the skeleton end.
► Maintain proper posture: raise your head slightly, relax your shoulders, straighten your back, pull your stomach in and tighten your knees.
► Change shoes throughout the day by alternating high-heeled shoes with flat shoes.In this case, the harm done to the legs, you will minimize.
► After a full day in heels, massage your feet, hold them in a bath with relaxing oil. These procedures help improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.
Most residents of megacities have cottages. Some come to relax and have fun on the weekend, while others come to work in their favorite country house. The desire to quickly improve the site or work in the garden leads to the fact that you are faced with sharp physical exertion, which is almost completely absent in everyday life. Such situations affect back health. Therefore, you should stick some rulesto avoid possible negative consequences:
► At the beginning of the summer season, resume work gradually. Before entering the garden you need to warm up the muscles: stretch up, make a few circular movements with the shoulders.
► It is worth forgetting forever about a favorite pose of a gardener - a head bowed down with a bent back. In this position, the spine bends back and the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region are under tremendous strain.
► You can work on the beds while sitting on a small stool. And if the work requires constant tilting to the ground, it is better not to bend over, but to squat.
► It is worth alternating active activities with monotonous labor. During work, you need to choose comfortable poses and change them from time to time. In this case, it is advisable to take a break every 30-40 minutes.
If, despite all efforts, back pain still appeared, you need to immediately unload the spine and muscles. To do this, lie on a hard surface and lie down a bit. But with severe pain you can not do without additional funds. One of the drug-free ways to relieve muscle pain is to use ThermaCare® heating applicator. Warming cells have a local thermal effect on the pain center and can relieve pain without drugs.
And remember that back pain is a good reason to consult a doctor. Therefore, it is necessary not only to eliminate the symptoms, but also to act on the root cause of the disease.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Back Pain and Your Brain: William S. Marras at TEDxOhioStateUniversity (January 2025).