
Filing "corners with an envelope"


The corners "envelope" are oblique seams on the lower corners of the product, for example, on a blouse with cuts in the side seams, on embroidered napkins, etc.

Sew them like this:

■ Iron the bottom allowance and allowance along the edge of the cut to iron the wrong side to a width of approx. 5 mm.
■ Unscrew the bottom hem allowance up, at the edge of the hem hem (ironed cut) at the edge of the cut. By tailor's chalk put a label (wrong side) (Fig. 1).

Unscrew the bottom hem allowance down.
■ Then unscrew the allowance along the edge of the cut to the wrong side, put a mark at the edge of the cut (ironed cut) on the allowance for hemming the bottom. The allowance at the edge of the cut is unscrewed again.
■ Connect both marks and the bottom corner with a straight line (Fig. 2).

■ Fold the bottom corner so that the allowance for the bottom hem lies on the allowance along the edge of the cut. Chop the allowances along the drawn small line, grind (Fig. 3).

■ Cut seam allowances to a width of approx. 5 mm, at the bottom corner - obliquely (Fig. 4). Expand seam allowances and iron.

■ Unscrew the allowance at the edge of the cut and allow the bottom hem to be seized on the wrong side, gently straighten the corner with a needle.
Take allowances along the edge of the cut and on the hem of the bottom (Fig. 5), iron the edges. Lay finishing stitches on the front side, securing the edges of the allowances.

Photo: burdastyle.
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.


Watch the video: How to create an envelope with the Corner Notch Punch Quick demo (December 2024).