
Sewing is taking care of yourself: sewing instagram of the week


Masin is convinced that the best way to get really high-quality clothing that is perfect and worn for a long time is to sew a thing with your own hands.

About the page author

“I am a passionate seamstress living in South Melbourne, Australia, and I come from Switzerland,” introduces our heroine Masin. “I love to create things. In our rapidly changing world, there’s nothing more soothing than sitting behind some kind of manual project work and enjoy leisurely handicrafts. This is self-care. When you create something with your own hands it is pure magic.

This rhythm bores me: buying cheap clothes, then digging in it, and eventually throwing it away. I do not believe in fast fashion. The amount of resources that the fashion industry is wasting is simply shocking.

I believe in quality clothes that really suit us and give us the opportunity to feel beautiful. In clothes that are designed to serve for a long time, to which we become attached, which pleases us for many years. I believe that the best way to get such clothes is to sew them yourself. Sewing allows us to wear things that fit perfectly on our different unique bodies. It gives us the opportunity to make clothes exactly the way we want to see it.As soon as you become the owner of at least one thing created specifically for you, you will not want to remove it and buy it!

How sewing helps make dreams come true: sewing instagram of the week

What is this page about

Masin sews mostly simple, laconic basic clothes, often showing imagination in terms of decoration and decor. She also makes accessories and other little things, things for the home, is engaged in embroidery. For some of the models, Masin makes the patterns herself.

Mission - create a handmade wardrobe: instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

Masin's style is simple and calm, if you like such things, take a look at this page. “I hope I can inspire you to create a wardrobe item that you will love for a very long time,” she says.

Simple clothes with an interesting character: instagram of the week

More photos: @ sewing.masin


Watch the video: Tutorial on How to BATCH sew masks for hospitals! (June 2024).