
Russian hospitality


Today, when the boom of social networks and all kinds of special communication programs has reached its zenith, most people prefer virtual communication to real.

Through electronic communication, we correspond with our relatives and friends, share photos, impressions and news. And all this happens, without leaving home, without changing the usual rhythm of life. But this method cannot replace the real and living emotions that we experience when we meet each other, shaking hands, from friendly hugs, when the interlocutor is in front of our eyes.

January 29, 2015 at home Jacobs in PKiO them. Gorky was awarded "Star guest of the year". Outstanding actor Dmitry Kharatyan, who won first place, spoke about his most unusual visit, and the famous producer Alexander Semin announced the results of an all-Russian study on the topic of hospitality.
Visiting tonightJacobs warm home atmosphere reigned. The participants of the event could not just have a good time, but also learn a lot of interesting things on the topic of hospitality in Russia. So, the data of the research conducted by VTsIOM on the initiative Jacobs, testify that Russia is a very hospitable country. Despite the fact that many of its residents go on a visit quite rarely.Although only in real communication can we not only feel, capture, but truly get closer in a spiritual conversation. To do this, go to visit and receive guests.
Residents of Russia at a party prefer to just chat "heart to heart". A cup of aromatic coffee Jacobs can be another reason for lively communication with friends. Therefore, when we go on a visit, we bring with us something tasty, a cake or pastries, and, of course, a good mood.
During the survey, as part of a sociological study on the topic of guests, the Russians chose the most coveted guest. He became the honored artist of Russia Dmitry Kharatyan, who received the title of "Star guest of the year!". The heroes of the program "Open, guests are welcome!", Which was released in 2014: Yulia Kovalchuk, Aleksey Chumakov, Natalya Podolskaya, Yana Churikova, Dmitry Malikov, Tuta Larsen, Andrey Grigoryev-Apolonov, fought for the prize. As part of the program, stars visited their friends of childhood and youth, with whom they are rarely seen for various reasons, and therefore each issue of the program was a real revelation, both for the audience and for the characters themselves.

Dmitry Kharatyan: “Today it’s sometimes easier for us to exchange a few words on social networks than to visit, especially the younger generation. However, the Internet can hardly replace live communication, especially when it comes to childhood friends. We especially value friendship with them, but it’s so unfair We devote little time to them. Therefore, I am very grateful to the program "Discover, guests to you!", which helped me to escape from everyday worries and to see my old friend Oleg Kiselev. This visit was unforgettable for me, and with a cup of coffee our meeting was especially sincerely.In general, I like to receive guests more, because at home, of course, it’s more comfortable, and it’s always nice to feel like a friendly host. "
Do not forget about such a long and pleasant Russian tradition - to visit each other!
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Жизнь увлеченных людей Ольга Акимова (June 2024).