
Beautiful posture


Proud female posture, a beautiful bend of the back were appreciated at all times. How do modern women support this tradition?

Daily worries place a heavy burden on your fragile shoulders. And, unfortunately, not only on the shoulders - the entire back is a weak link in the female body. According to statistics, about 40 percent of the fair sex have experienced back pain at least once in their lives, and every third woman suffers from them constantly. To prevent your back from bothering you as much as possible, listen to our recommendations.

Good morning!

It would seem easier than simple: get up, wash, get dressed - and go to work. But it is from these ordinary morning minutes that spinal problems begin. Sudden movements, when the muscles are still “sleeping,” often cause back pain.


To get rid of the remnants of sleep and set the body to work, learn to get up correctly.

• After waking up, soak for a few seconds, turn around in a warm bed, then stretch yourself well.

• Make circular motions in the feet, first in one direction, then in the other direction. After that, rotate with brushes, squeeze and unclench fists. Then reach forward, as if raising yourself by the shoulders.

• Lying on your back, grab your knees with your hands and sway like a tumbler, back and forth.

• Before getting up, roll over on your side and sit on the edge of the bed with one leg resting on it. Now you can get up.

Heels for the holidays

High-heeled shoes or boots make women taller, slimmer. But over the years, such shoes bring some trouble. A high heel shifts the natural center of gravity of the skeleton and disrupts the load distribution between the bones of the pelvis, foot and spine. As a result, curvature of the spine, flattening of its natural bends appear, the structure of cartilage and bone tissue is disturbed, chronic back pain occurs.


Leave on high-heeled shoes for celebratory and solemn occasions. It is recommended to wear them no more than 3-4 hours a day. Daily shoes should be on a stable heel with a height of 3-4 cm.

Waiting for baby

Expecting a baby is the most wonderful period in a woman’s life. But, on the other hand, at this time, the lumbosacral spine is particularly affected by increased stress. Therefore, in the last trimester of pregnancy, be sure to wear a special bandage. He will support the stomach and will partially take on the function of the muscular corset of the spine.

After the birth of the baby, there are no less problems for the back. A young mother often has to bend over during swaddling and laying the crumbs in the crib, carrying the baby in her arms. All this creates the conditions for the occurrence of back pain.


How to behave with a child to protect your back?

• Swaddle your baby on a special table, not on a low bed.

• Build a small footrest near the crib. Use it when you bend over to the child.

• Try not to rock the baby in your arms.Better sit on a chair or chair, leaning back in his back.

• Has the baby grown? Do not wear it on your forearm - put the child on your thigh.

Weary pose

The most unfavorable factor for the back is a long static load.

We spend hours driving in traffic jams, spend half a day at the computer or at the desk, literally not flexing our backs. Even cooking and cleaning the apartment are risk factors. The compelled position is gradually fixed. Over time, this leads to a violation of posture, deformation of the vertebrae and, as a consequence, to the development of osteochondrosis, which makes itself felt with back pain.


Keep an eye on how your back feels - at home and at work.

• Try to arrange your workplace properly. Check if the height of the table and chair matches your height. Make sure that your back rests fully against the back of the chair, your knees are bent at an angle of 90 °, and the lower back has support.

• The greatest load on the back and lower back occurs when you are standing, that is, ironing, washing dishes, standing at the stove. Try to change your pose every 10-15 minutes. Lean on one foot or the other, or alternately place your feet on a small bench.

• Have to stand for a long time? To relieve muscle tension, raise your hands up, slightly bend, taking a deep breath. As you exhale, return to starting position.

• When working with a vacuum cleaner, try to keep your back straight. When washing floors in hard-to-reach places, do not bend over, but stand on one knee.

Caution, stress!

As they say, all diseases from nerves, and back pain are no exception. Stress is often accompanied by muscle tension, as a result of which the corresponding nerve root is “clamped”. This is the cause of back pain.


After nervous tension, try to eliminate muscle spasm. Any muscle relaxation techniques are useful for this. They not only effectively eliminate the effects of stress, but are also a good prophylactic for back pain along with massage, manual therapy, and thermal physiotherapy.

• Such an exercise will help relieve muscle spasm. Sitting on a chair, twist your fingers in front of the chest and pull your arms forward with effort, while rounding your back and trying to pull it back. Count to 10, then relax. Repeat several times.

• In the evening, take a warm bath with sea salt or sage infusion (200 g of herb per 1 liter of boiling water). Lie in it for 10-15 minutes.

Text: E. Shvedova. Photo: Jalag / East News.


Watch the video: Ballet Beautiful avec Mary Helen Bowers - postures (January 2025).