
Insidious sore throat


A sip of a cold drink, favorite ice cream for dessert - and a sore throat begins. Do not miss this moment, because everything can end in tonsillitis, a serious disease that requires special treatment.

Most colds are accompanied by sore throats. This is because in the area of ​​the pharynx there are many nerve endings. If an inflammatory process occurs in nearby tissues, they are irritated. And this happens quite often, because the pharyngeal ring is the first barrier to pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which, together with air, try to penetrate deep into the respiratory system.

The pharynx is abundantly supplied with lymphoid tissue - an accumulation of immune cells that are designed to fight harmful agents on the spot. Part of this

lymphoid rings are the well-known pharyngeal tonsils (tonsils). The pain of swallowing first signals us about possible problems.

Find and neutralize

With unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx, as a rule, we are not in a hurry to see a doctor. We try to get by with folk remedies: gargle with solutions of soda, salt, infusions of chamomile, calendula. We also use sprays or sucking tablets with an anesthetic component (menthol, mint, local anesthetics). Sometimes such treatment quickly brings relief.

But this does not always happen.Why? The effectiveness of such drugs largely depends on the causative agent of the disease, and there are many of them. Most often, swallowing pain is caused by viral respiratory infections. They leak and are treated relatively easily, including folk remedies. But there are two microorganisms - streptococcus and staphylococcus, which affect the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils in a special way. It is they who become the culprits of the sore throat!


If the sore throat is severe, a plaque appears on the tonsils, be sure to consult a doctor and take a swab from the throat for analysis. This simple study will help a specialist determine the pathogen of infection and find a drug that will work on it.

Process has begun

A sharp sore throat, white or yellow rains on the tonsils, fever, weakness, sweating, loss of appetite, headache, chills, swollen lymph nodes under the earlobe, on the sides of the neck, under the lower jaw - this is how true angina manifests itself.

The disease is especially dangerous for those who have weakened immunity. The fact is that staphylococci and streptococci can live for a long time in the oral cavity, without any manifestation. But as soon as the body's defenses are reduced (for example, with severe hypothermia), pathogens begin to multiply actively, which leads to an outbreak of the disease. The insidious sore throat is that it provokes a paradoxical immune response: protective antibodies start an attack on the body’s own tissues, causing severe diseases of the heart, joints and kidneys.

Treatment success

Angina is the case when antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. You cannot take them indiscriminately, only a doctor can prescribe treatment!

In addition, with the first signs of malaise, gargle more often - every 2-3 hours. This will help stop the inflammation before it spreads to the tonsils and adenoids. For rinsing, you can prepare any of the proposed tools:

• 1 teaspoon of boric acid in a glass of water;

• 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water;

• 1 teaspoon of sage herb per 300 ml of boiling water (you need to make an infusion and let it cool);

• 1 teaspoon of lemon juice per glass of water;

• 1 teaspoon of sea salt per glass of water.


To speed up recovery, observe bed rest. For a few days go on a diet: steam cutlets, stewed vegetables, chicken stock - that’s what you need. Also, try to drink more. Green tea, cranberry juice, infusion with chamomile will help remove toxins from the body. Please note: drinks should not be hot, but warm.

Long live the holiday!

In order not to spoil your New Year and Christmas celebration, do not gulp ice champagne, but do it slowly, at a sip, warming the drink in your mouth. Do not celebrate the holiday with wine and champagne on the street in severe frost. If you ate and drank something cold, try to warm your throat with warm food or tea.

We strengthen the defense

An active lifestyle will help increase the body's defenses. More often walk, ski, skate, go swimming, do gymnastics. Do not forget about hardening.The simplest procedure is a morning shower of a pleasant temperature. Local procedures are very useful, such as rinsing the throat with water - first at room temperature, then colder.

By the way, slowly eaten ice cream and cold juices drunk in small sips also give an excellent tempering effect!

Have regular check-ups with your doctor. Timely treat chronic infections in the oral cavity and nasopharynx. Pay special attention to the presence of adenoids, hypertrophic rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum, sinusitis, as well as caries, gingivitis.

To treat a sore throat without curing, for example, sinusitis or carious teeth, an occupation, alas, is useless.

Remember that angina is a contagious disease. It can be picked up when talking, kissing, using common utensils. To protect yourself, do not forget about the simple rules of personal hygiene.

Text: Elena Shvedova. Photo: Gennadiy Posnyakov / Yuri arcurs / Helix / Venoli / David Davis / Shariff Che'lah / (6) / Burda (1), PR (3).
