
How to wash a jacket on a synthetic winterizer


A jacket on a synthetic winterizer is usually handed over to dry cleaning, but you can wash it at home - in the typewriter or manually. So that the thing does not sit down, does not lose color, the following recommendations should be followed.

Washing in a washing machine

Most often, jackets on a synthetic winterizer are machine washable, since it is much more convenient, and it is not always possible to perform a quality rinse manually. Check pockets before washing. Then fasten all the zippers, buttons and turn the product inside out.

If the jacket has removable fur inserts, they should be removed. It is also recommended that you check your clothing for holes. If the seams have gone somewhere, they need to be sewn up, otherwise during washing, the seam will open even more, and parts of the synthetic winterizer fibers can get into the drum of the washing machine. For light jackets, you can use a special laundry bag before loading into the machine.

Set the synthetics wash mode on the typewriter, but you can wash the jacket on the synthetic winterizer and in normal mode. The water temperature is set to 40 ° C. Use the spin and extra rinse function to prevent white stains from washing powder on the jacket. Therefore, it is recommended to use liquid detergents.
Do not use bleaches or other aggressive agents.After washing, hang the jacket on the coat hanger and leave it in the bathroom to allow the remaining water to drain. Then the jacket can be dried on the balcony or in the room.
If the jacket can be ironed, you should do this by setting the smallest temperature setting on the iron.

Hand wash jackets on synthetic winterizer

Most often, a jacket on a synthetic winterizer is washed manually if spots have formed on the product that require curing and pre-soaking. Draw warm water into the bath and add a little liquid detergent. Bleach can not be used. The following scheme is followed:
1. Dip the jacket in water and wrinkle a little with your hands. If there are stains - they must first be cleaned with a sponge and soap.
2. Change the water to rinse the product. Repeat rinsing 3-4 times.
3. Next, gently squeeze the product. To do this, water is "squeezed" by hands in the direction from top to bottom. If it was not possible to perform such a process manually, the jacket is loaded into the machine and the spin function is turned on.
4. After this, the jacket is hung on the shoulders above the bathtub so that the remaining water can drain. Then the product is dried on the balcony or indoors.

Observing these simple recommendations, you for a long time will keep a jacket on a synthetic winterizer beautiful and well-groomed.
Photo: pixabay
