
Designer Into Niilo and his collection into [into]


Into Niilo became the finalist of the 1st Moscow Fashion Start 2015 Design Competition and took second place of honor.

Collection into [into] was the dissertation of Into Nilo at Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MGUDT) in 2013. Subsequently, this work grew into a brand distinguished by a dark, quasi-scientific philosophy.
Into [into] - a brand of clothes, shoes and accessories of the female haute couture line.
The main idea of ​​the collection is in elementary physics and natural philosophy. The designer’s inspiration was nature itself in its physical and natural equivalent; he used non-standard materials from applied physics and chemistry. The main concept of the collection is to simplify the manifestation of external excesses. Of course, this cannot but affect the design and color.
"This outward austerity, not flirting with the eye of the thirsting luxurious spectator, is looking for an attentive contemplator. The devil is in the details. My devil is dressed in the robes of a hermit, - says the designer. -Now I am inspired by physics and all hidden, undercurrents and processes. Based on elementary physical and natural phenomena, I neglect man-made decor, entrusting the appearance of products of such unsteady-material magic of nature exclusively. "

Collection Name

The name of the collection itself, later developed into the brand name into [into]carries an ephemeral philosophical burden. The first word into [intu:] translated from English means "in, in", that is, it conveys movement, sets the direction inward. The second into [into:] is the Finnish name of the author, translated as "inspiration". So, into [into] is a movement inside inspiration.
The logo is an into refrain, duplicated by transcriptions and also fits into the near-scientific concept of the project, as it can visually be attributed to fractals.
The brand is divided into chapters, of which there are 3 now, but as experiments with new materials will expand, as nature is inexhaustible.

Chapter 1: currents / Chapter 1: currents

The movement is light and swift. Inspiration - electric and magnetic fields. Visual school physics experiments. Materials: magnets, iron powder.

Chapter 2: magma -> magmetic / Chapter 2: magma

The movement is creeping, avalanche-like. Inspiration - underground processes, volcanic activity, the core of the earth. This chapter is under development.

Chapter 3: crystallization / Chapter 3: crystallization

Stopping any movement and crystalline ordering. Inspiration - stalactites, stalagmites, crystal lattice, geodes of various rocks. Materials: quartz crystals (black, white), amethyst geodes.

At the time the diploma collection was shown, prototypes were made of two chapters: [currents] and[crystallization]. They included clothes, shoes and accessories.


Overalls. Material: boiled silk, silk satin. Chapters: currents, crystallization.
Overalls. Material: boiled silk, silk satin. Chapters: currents, crystallization.


Treads Material: nubuck, acrylic, magnets, iron powder. Chapter: currents.
Pumps Material: Craquelure leather, wood, acrylic, magnets, iron powder. Chapter: currents.
Boots. Material: astrakhan fur, metallized leather. Chapter: currents.
Pumps Material: nubuck, black quartz. Chapter: crystallization. High heel ankle boots. Material: nubuck, white quartz. Chapter: crystallization. Low heel ankle boots. Material: nubuck, amethyst geode. Chapter: crystallization.
Boots. Material: nubuck, crystals, acrylic. Chapter: crystallization.
Boots. Material: nubuck, crystals, acrylic. Chapter: crystallization.


Portfolio. Material: nubuck, wood, acrylic, magnets, iron powder. Chapter: currents.

Clutch bag.Material: nubuck, wood, acrylic, magnets, iron powder. Chapter: currents.
Clutch bag. Material: cattle leather, wood, hourglass. Chapter: currents. Clutch bag. Material: amethyst geode. Chapter: crystallization.
Necklace. Material: wood, acrylic, magnets, iron powder, craquelure leather. Chapter: currents.
Ring. Material: acrylic, magnets, iron powder, craquelure leather. Chapter: currents. Brass knuckles. Material: acrylic, magnets, iron powder, craquelure leather. Chapter: currents.
Bracelet. Material: wood, glass, magnets, iron powder. Chapter: currents.
Bracelet. Materials: wood, hourglass, metal. Chapter: currents.

The author of the collection says: “I collaborate with a number of workshops and laboratories. At the plexiglass manufacturing facility, acrylic elements are glued to me, wooden furniture accessories are glued to me, all haberdashery is sewn in leather shops, in laboratories I conduct new physical experiments and test materials”.
Now the brand has moved into the commercial phase and the first chapter (currents) has been launched. In the near future, a party will be launched consisting of a briefcase, clutch bag, necklace, brass knuckles and rings. For the first time, only the production of accessories will be carried out, in the future it is planned to develop clothes and shoes on an industrial scale.

Photo: PR
Material prepared by Anna Soboleva


Watch the video: MASK (December 2024).