
Sore feet?


Pain and an unpleasant "crunch" in the joints are common symptoms of two fairly common, but essentially different diseases - arthritis and arthrosis.

Such ailments are "dependent" on the weather. With a sharp change in weather conditions, the pain can intensify. And when autumn comes - the pain can bother for months. But because of the belief that arthritis andarthrosis - these are age-related diseases, many take them as inevitable and are in no hurry to seek help from a doctor.

At arthrosis there is a destruction of the cartilage joint, and then the replacement of the smooth, cartilage layer by ugly bone growths. This chronic disease develops gradually with age.

Arthritis - An inflammatory disease of the joint caused by the penetration of infection into its area.

Arthrosis and Arthritis vary due to causes, course and therapy.

Arthritis - This is a disease of the whole organism, accompanied by damage to a particular group of joints. Most often these are the consequences of rheumatism, sore throat or infectious diseases.

For arthrosis a violation of the activity of one joint is characteristic. The causes of this disease are disorders in the endocrine system, joint damage, overweight, metabolic disorders in the body. Reason arthrosisand also there may be a constant physical load on the joints, for example, dancers, athletes.

Common symptom arthritis andarthrosis - joint pain. But the difference between these two diseases can only be determined by an experienced doctor.


Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Whats Causing your Foot Pain? (January 2025).