
How to make embroidery in a frame: a master class


So that the embroidered work can be hung on the wall or put somewhere, it’s good to frame it. How to do it right - a step-by-step master class.

Embroidered framed can be an interior decoration or a wonderful gift. For such a design, a frame is suitable, for example, for photography. Choose the size of the frame so that the flap of embroidered fabric is several centimeters longer in length and width. If the embroidery is flat, you can use a frame with glass, so the work will be protected from dust. If the embroidery is voluminous, as in this master class, the glass will violate the volume. It is better to regularly clean such embroidery in a frame from dust with a whisk.

By the way, this collection is devoted to other ideas on the use and design of finished embroidery:

How to embroider: 13 ideas

You will need:

- embroidered work;

- frame;

- thick thick cardboard (at least 1.5 mm thick);

- stationery knife and metal ruler;

- mat-pad or other material to protect the working surface;

- strong threads;

- needle for hand sewing.

Idea: embroidery as a decoration of buttons - 3 options

Step 1

Dismantle the frame.

Protect the work surface (if there is no mat, you can use a sheet of thick cardboard). On a sheet of cardboard, put the cardboard tab from the frame, aligning the edges.

Using the tab as a template, cut the part out of cardboard.

Step 2

Try embroidery on a piece cut out of cardboard. For turns, allowances of 2-3 cm or a little more are needed. If necessary, trim the excess fabric.

Step 3

Wrap the corners as shown in the photo. Secure each with several stitches by hand.

Step 4

Pass a long thread into the needle and tighten the edges of the embroidery as shown in the photo. You need to do this by tightening the fabric well, but still not too much so that the cardboard does not bend.

After stitching in one direction, repeat in perpendicular. The embroidery will be stretched on cardboard.

Step 5

If you are using glass, first place it in a frame. Then - cardboard with embroidery, after it - the finished tab. Bend the holders. Done!

Photo and source:

Ribbon embroidery workshop: bouquet with a yellow tulip

DMC Étoile Mouline thread: thread overview and embroidery workshop

How to make and color ribbons for embroidery
