
Grilled food


The most successful summer cottage menu for an outdoor party is grilled fish, poultry, vegetables and meat dishes. For every taste!

Skewered Chicken Breasts

Cooking time: 40 min

IN 4 PORTS: • 150 g of long-grain rice • salt • 250 g of carrots • 150 g of frozen green peas • 3 tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil • 6 tablespoons. tablespoons of soy sauce • 3 tables. tablespoons of lemon juice • 600 g chicken breast fillet • 4 tables. tablespoons of vodka • a little sugar

1. Boil rice in salted water (12 min). Peel the carrots, cut into strips, and together with the green peas, dip them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Fold rice and vegetables in a colander, then mix and cool.

2. Mix vegetable oil with 4 tables. tablespoons of soy sauce and lemon juice. Salt, pepper and cooked dressing pour rice with vegetables. Mix.

3. Cut the meat along the fibers into strips and string them on skewers with an "accordion". Mix vodka with 2 tables. tablespoons of soy sauce, pepper and season with 1 pinch of sugar. Grease the meat with the resulting marinade. Place the kebabs on the grill. Fry for 4−5 minutes on each side, periodically sprinkling with marinade. Serve the breasts on skewers hot along with a side dish of rice and vegetables. Tomato ketchup is suitable for chicken kebab.

Stuffed meatballs and eggplant "Clown"

Cooking time: 60 min


For cutlets: • 60 g of bread for toast • 1 onion • 2 eggs • 1 teaspoon. chopped greens • salt • ground black pepper • 300 g each minced pork and beef • 2 cloves of garlic • 4 tablespoons. tablespoons of vegetable oil • 75 g feta cheese • 10 olives and pitted olives.

For garnish: • 2 large eggplants • 2 large tomatoes • 6 slices of cheese • salt • ground black pepper

1. For minced meat, soak the white bread, cutting off the crust. Peel the onion, grate it and mix with the squeezed bread, add the egg, stir in the greens and chopped meat. Pepper and salt. Stuffing is good to beat off on a bowl.

2. Peel and chop the garlic with olives and olives. Feta cheese cut into 8 circles.

3. From the meat, with wet hands, form 8 cakes, fold them in pairs, laying cheese and a chopped mixture of olives with garlic between them. Grease the patties with vegetable oil and grill (4 minutes on each side).

4. Cut the eggplants lengthwise into plates (not completely!). Cut tomatoes into circles. Salt and pepper the eggplant pulp. Between the plates lay circles of cheese and tomatoes. Grill on foil.

Shrimp with pineapple and garlic sauce

Cooking time: 20 min

AT 4 PORTS: • 1 lime • 2 tables. tablespoons of soy sauce • 50 ml of fish stock • ground chili pepper • 1 clove of garlic • 16 raw peeled shrimps • 4 rings of canned pineapple

1. Wash the lime for the marinade, grate the zest. Squeeze the juice and mix with soy sauce, fish stock and ground chili. Stir the garlic through the press.

2. Shrimp, removing the insides, pour the marinade. Allow to stand for 15 minutes. Cut pineapple rings into 4 parts. String the shrimp on skewers, alternating with pieces of pineapple. Fry on all sides on the grill, periodically turning over and pouring with marinade (3 minutes). Put on a dish and serve with garlic sauce.

Spicy Garlic Shrimp Sauce

Soak two slices of white bread (without crust) in 50 ml of milk. Squeeze, mix in a mixer with 2 garlic cloves, 2 yolks and 150 ml of olive oil passed through a press. Season with salt, ground black pepper and ground chili. Instead of chili powder, you can take a red chili pod, remove seeds, finely chop or chop into tiny cubes and mix to the sauce last to taste.

Salmon with mushrooms and green herb sauce

Cooking time: 40 min


For the sauce: • 40 g pine nuts • 2 cloves of garlic • 2 bunches of parsley • 125 ml of olive oil • 40 g of grated cheese • salt • ground black pepper.

And also: • 4 pieces of salmon (160 g each) • 4 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • salt • ground black pepper • 400 g oyster mushrooms (or mushrooms) • lemon for decoration

1. For the sauce, fry pine nuts in a Teflon-coated pan without adding oil. As soon as a subtle aroma appears, put the nuts on a plate so as not to overcook. Peel and finely chop the garlic (can be passed through a press). Wash the parsley, dry, tear off the leaves. Mix the nuts with garlic, parsley, olive oil and mashed in a blender. Stir in grated cheese. Salt the cooked sauce and pepper to taste.

2. In each piece of fish, make two cuts (from the back to the abdomen) and carefully place in them a spoonful of green sauce. Grease the fish with oil and grill for 15 minutes. Salt, pepper, garnish with lemon and green leaves.

3. Soak wooden skewers for 10 minutes in cold water. Peel and wash the mushrooms. Skewer, grease with sauce and fry (2 min on each side).

Eggplant "envelopes" with tomatoes and horseradish

Cooking time: 40 min

FOR 4 PORTS: • 2 large eggplants • 2 cloves of garlic • 1 table. a spoonful of grated horseradish • 4 tomatoes • 3 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • 150 g curd cheese • salt • ground black pepper

1. Cut the eggplants along the plates and lightly fry them in olive oil. Cut tomatoes into rings. The lower and upper rings, together with the "barrels" of eggplant, cut into cubes and fry in the remaining fat. Salt and pepper. Stir in horseradish and curd cheese.

2. Fold the plates in pairs crosswise. Put the fillings in a spoon in the middle and lay the ends of the plates on top of each other, placing them under the top circle of tomato. Fasten everything with a wooden skewer. Grill (3 minutes). Put on a dish and serve with tomato salsa.


Prepare and chop the red chilli pod. Cut the onion into cubes and sauté together with chili pepper in 1 table. a spoonful of vegetable oil. Add 1 garlic clove passed through the press, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of tomato paste, 500 g chopped tomatoes. Stew for 15 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

Corn and Sausages in Bacon

Cooking time: 25 min.

AT 4 PORTS: • 4 ears of corn • salt • 8 pieces of bacon (30 g each) • 2 tables. tablespoons of olive oil • ground black pepper. And also: • 4 sausages, sausages or pork sausages • 60 g of cheese • 50 g of bacon • 1 table. mustard spoon

1. Prepare the cobs and boil in a large amount of salted water (15 min). Then remove and wrap in bacon (2 strips). Put on aluminum foil, salt and pepper. Wrap in foil and grill for 12 minutes.

2. Sausages cut along. Cut the cheese into strips and fill it with cuts. Cut the bacon into strips and coat them with mustard. Sausages wrapped in bacon in a spiral and grill in a pan from all sides (6 min).

Photo: All-Russia Center Burda (4), Fotobank (2).
